Online Security Tips
Make your passwords complex by using a combination of at least 10 letters, numbers and symbols. Never use the same password for different programs or social media sites. Don’t share your passwords with colleagues, friends or family.
Tip 1 – Create strong Passwords
Make your passwords complex by using a combination of at least 10 letters, numbers and symbols. Never use the same password for different programs or social media sites. Don’t share your passwords with colleagues, friends or family. Update your passwords regularly – at least once every 6 months, if not more. If you can’t think of strong passwords, there are password manager programs that create strong passwords and store your login information for all the websites you use. They encrypt your database with a master password which is the only one you need to remember. You and your company are a target for hackers every day – it is important to protect yourself and your company.
Tip 2 – Update your Software regularly
Regular software updates are crucial for your operating systems and security software. Cybercriminals look for flaws in your system. Make sure you have your Managed Service provider patch those flaws, so you won’t become a victim of malware or ransomware.
Tip 3 – Prevent Ransomware infections
Use and maintain multiple levels of anti-virus protection including ransomware. Our managed anti-virus solution is rated as one of the top anti-virus solutions against threats on the Windows platform.
Tip 4 – Be Careful what you Click
Phishing scams are a constant threat. By clicking on a link or opening an attachment, your system will immediately be infected with malware or a trojan. 90% of ransomware attacks originate with phishing emails. Look for spelling and grammatical errors. Don’t open emails from people or companies you don’t know. Hover over the link to see where it directs you to. Be suspicious of phone calls that ask for personal or financial information.
Tip 5 – Back up your Data regularly
Back up your data automatically to guard against malware and ransomware attacks.
Tip 6 – Use Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor authentication (2FA) is critical when you use the internet. It provides an extra layer of security. This protects you and your data from hackers.
Tip 7 – Train your Employees on Cybersecurity Threats
Human error is one of the leading causes of data breaches. One of the most important defences is to educate your employees about phishing techniques and the types of security threats online.
Tip 8 – Beware of what you plug into your Computer
Flash drives, external hard drives and even smart phones can contain malware. Malware will shut your whole system down.
Tip 9 – Protect your Social Media Platforms
Reduce your risk of getting your Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts hacked by using a strong password. Never use your dog or family member’s name. These are common security questions.
Tip 10 – Protect your Customer’s Personal and Financial Data
Create a strong firewall configuration to protect your customers data. Encrypt any transmission of credit card data. Restrict access to customer financial information to key financial roles in your business.

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